Truly A Class Above, Truly A Home!

Truly A Class Above, Truly A Home!

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly - Part 2

The Bad

There are currently a few bad things that can be spotted in Genting Tiara. I highlight the word 'currently' as I feel that most of these unfavourable things will disappear once more owners get together and once a proper management team is set up to run the place.

Let's begin from the entrance and then all the way in.


a) the supposedly beautiful signboard cum water feature located on the left before the entrance to Genting Tiara is not working (or perhaps just not turned on?) and is in need of a fresh coat of paint. The signboard is one of the most important features of Genting Tiara as it is one of two first things to be noticed by anyone who comes to Genting Tiara. The other being the guardhouse.

The signboard must at all times, come day or night, be highly visible, visually captivating and pleasantly welcoming to reflect the refreshing, serene and harmonious lifestyle any resident, potential resident or visitor can come to expect from Genting Tiara.

A fresh coat of paint, a good quality pump and some appropriate lightings shall do wonders to the aesthetics of the signboard. All these do not really cost much but they will certainly breath life back to the signboard. Question is, WHO is going to do it and WHEN?

b) As mentioned, the other obvious thing noticeable when entering Genting Tiara would be the guardhouse. Externally, the guardhouse looks like a 2-storey narrow watch tower which is quite acceptable visually. However, upon closer observation, a few things see lacking:-

1) Entry/Exit is via access card but entrance boom bar is faulty. Currently, it is manually operated. Thankfully, the exit boom bar is working fine;

2) Crucial component - CCTV not installed. It would be optimum if 3 CCTVs can be installed at guardhouse entrance. One to capture images of vehicles (including registration numbers) coming into the area, one to capture images of driver and passengers inside incoming visiting vehicles (windows would have to be wound down) and one to capture image of visiting drivers' driving license and image of any legal identification tag/document for all other visitors. As for the exit, 2 CCTVs should be sufficient. One to capture image of faces and one for image of vehicles (including registration numbers); and

3) Insufficient security personnel. Currently, the guardhouse is manned by only 1 security guard. There should at least be 2 guards, both equipped with walkie-talkies. While 1 is stationed in guardhouse, the other can patrol the entire area at pre-determined intervals and both must rotate duties. In case of any unwanted trouble, one can backup the other.

c) While most bungalows in Genting Tiara maintain their compounds fairly well, certain units have allowed tall weeds to grow and two units can be seen with picket fences which are partly broken. Perhaps the owners do not come by Genting Tiara as often as they wish, perhaps the owners are not particular about the condition of their houses, perhaps these units are uninhabited. Whatever the reasons, the owners should be responsible for the proper maintenance of their properties. This not only ensures a pleasant and harmonious living environment, it will also guarantee the continuous appreciation in the value of all properties in Genting Tiara.

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